

Will a Hot Pan Damage Your Granite Countertop? 2019-12-10

Granite countertops are known to be one of the best options for kitchen counters. Granite is one of the toughest types of natural stone as it is an igneous rock formed by the cooling and solidification of lava or magma in the depths of the earth. But does it mean that you can put anything as hot as lava on it? We often hear questions about hot pans on a granite surface and whether they would damage it. So would they? 

Well, yes and no. As natural granite is one of the most heat-resistant materials for kitchen countertops, tiles, or other surfaces. Thus, just placing hot pans and pots on the granite countertop would not damage it. However, the more you do it, the more impact the excessive heat has on the seal of the countertop which can lead to the exposure of the countertop to liquid damage and stains. To protect your kitchen countertop sealant, try to have trivets and potholders around to minimize the exposure to heat and consult your countertop installer on how often the surface has to be resealed. 

Do you still have questions about kitchen countertops, granite, or any other kinds of natural stone? We are excited to find all the answers for you and help your construction or design project become even better! Contact us today

Xiamen Aofei Building Materials has been in the industry for more than ten years and we are happy to share the insights and tips about design and natural stone with you. Check out our blog to know more!

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