

Are There Substitutes to Marble? 2019-12-13

Few of us haven’t been in awe of amazing interior designs with elegant marble baths, impressive full slab marble walls and even small decorative materials made of this so-called royal natural stone.

Marble is a gorgeous and durable stone praised as a great building material for centuries. Sadly, with all the advantages comes a pretty high price tag. That’s why we asked experienced Xiamen Aofei Building Materials professionals to present some of the best alternatives to marble for you today!


Besides its beautiful appearance and similarity to marble, quartz is stain-resistant and requires low maintenance.  As quartz countertops surfaces are usually a 90 to 10 percent combination of natural quartz and polyresin, they are non-porous and do not require any special sealing unlike marble and other types of natural stone.


While granite usually looks quite different from marble, due to the wide range of styles and colors, it is still possible to find one similar to both bright and dark kinds of marble.

Cultured Marble

Artificial marble is gaining popularity as a natural marble alternative. Similar looks and quality for a much lower price — what could be better. We covered all the important differences between the two in our recent blog article.

Still not sure what marble substitute is best for your project? Xiamen Aofei is happy to help! Call us and we will walk you through all the specific pros and cons to make your design even better.

And make sure to check out our blog to know even more about the latest trends in the design industry, natural stone, construction, and best tips from our experts.

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